Beyond CALYPSO è un progetto di capitalizzazione che prevede di potenziare ulteriormente le catene modellistiche di individuazione, tracking e mitigazione degli impatti derivanti da oil spill anche estendendo il dominio di calcolo oltre all’area del canale siculo-maltese.
Il progetto Beyond CALYPSO ha consentito di:
a) Individuazione oil spill e inquinanti tramite remote sensing;
b) Modellazione oil spill migliorata nell’area westMED Italia-Malta (data fusion);
c) Modellazione oil spill migliorata nell’area westMED Italia-Malta-Tunisia.
CALYPSO SOUTH aimed to transform the data into targeted added value services for targeted users. In particular, the deliverable 4.3 targeted the enhancement of oil spill modelling capabilities by upgrading existing models to cover a domain that goes beyond the Malta shelf area. In addition, together with local stakeholders as well as with international key players such as the European Maritime Safety Agency, emergency oil spill response simulations were successfully organised in both Italy and Malta.
Beyond CALYPSO is a capitalisation project that aims to further enhance and improve the existing oil spill modelling chains that automatically track the pollution as well as optimise the response for mitigation. The dissemination activities, including training and seminar sessions will be devoted also to west-Med stakeholders as tracks of drifters deployed close to Malta demonstrated that a pollutant can quickly reach Italian shores, and travel south again towards countries such as Tunis. In this project, a number of oil spill models (such as MEDLSIK and PyGnome) will be set up to run in the coastal scale close to Malta and Sicily; ideally, the coverage will extend up to Tunisia. The outputs from different models will be compared and validated through the release of a number of lagrangian drifters that will be satellite tracked to cover the entire region. The models will be fine-tuned through the use of difference forcing data obtained from COPERNICUS. Apart from model data, simulations will be enriched by observations obtained through remote sensing. Data from the HF radars, Synthetic Aperture Radars (SARS), and Radar Altimeters, will be fused to provide the best trajectory of spill.
The extension of the monitored area will be a Mid-term positive impact of Beyond CALYPSO which will have as possible long-term positive impact the installation of additional HF networks able to achieve better oil spill modelling results also additional countries of the westMED area out of the Italia-Malta programme.
The new consortium includes the University of Palermo (UNIPA) which will be the Leader Partner, the University of Malta (UM), the University of Catania (UNICT), the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-IAS), the Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale (ARPA) and the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA).
Calypso project timeline
May 2011 - August 2013
May 2015 – December 2015
March 2018 - October 2021
January 2023 - November 2023